
4’x8′ Cosmec Fox 48 CNC Router, 2007


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250m3 vacuum pump
ISO 30 Cone
ATC: 7 position tool change
Auto Lubrication
Rack & Pinion Movement
Very low use hours


Working Table: 1300 mm x 2580 mm (51.2โ€ณ x 101.6โ€ณ)
X-axis Stroke: 2630 mm (103.5โ€ณ)
Y-axis Stroke: 1990 mm (78.35โ€ณ)
Z-axis stroke: 280 mm (11.02โ€ณ)
Maximum Panel Thickness: 120 mm (4.73โ€ณ)

Phase: 3 PHASE
Voltage: 380/400
Estimated Dimensions: 156″ L x 84″ W x 84″ H (shipping dimensions)
Estimated Weight: 6,000 Pounds