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Cool Clean Mega CYL-1000-HP C02 Machine, 2000


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Machine Type: Process Equipment
Make: Cool Clean
Model: Mega CYL-1000-HP
Year: 2000
Machine Location: Texas
Stock #: 308970

-MAWP @ Full Vacuum 350 PSI @ 100ยฐ F
-Min Design Metal Temp. -320ยฐ F @350 PSI
-Tare Weight: 1706 lbs

Manufactures unit performance specs and requirements:

-CO2 Machine currently can do about 60# bio mass at one time with a 6 hour run. For around $25,000.00 the manufacture mentioned they could modify CO2 Machine cut 6 hour run time down to 3 hours / doubling unit through put.

-CO2 Machine needs a 150 PSI air compressor for constant air.

-CO2 Machine requires a minimum 10 HP Industrial chiller with provided glycol at 20F and colder.

-CO2 Machine needs to be filled with roughly 400# liquid CO2 in its provided storage tank. Each run you will lose a minimum of 1% if not more of your liquid CO2, so depending on your amount of time usage: tank will need to be refilled with liquid CO2.

All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.