
187 ton x 13′ Trumpf Trumabend V1700S CNC Press Brake, 2006 – 6 Axis Back Gauge


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Tonnage: 187 Ton
Overall Length: 13’3″
Distance Between Side Frames: 145″
Extended Open Height: 24″
Max Stroke: 17.5″
Throat Depth: 16.5″
Y Traverse Speed: 520 IPM
Y Working Speed: 23.5 IPM
Y Return Speed: 520 IPM
X Axis Speed: 2358 IPM
R Axis Speed: 780 IPM
Z Axis Speed: 2358 IPM
Machine Dimensions: 206″L x 74″W x 118″H
Approx. Weight: 35,000 lbs.
Voltage: 440V/3 Phase

Equipped With:
Trumpf TASC CNC Control
6 Axis Back Gauage (X1/X2, R1/R2, Z1/Z2)
CNC Crowning
Hydraulic Upper/Lower Clamping (New Standard/Trumpf)
Safety Laser
I – Axis Bed Plate Shifting for Hemming
Pedestal Mounted Control Station With Electric Foot Switch Controls