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LNS Hydrobar Express 332 Barfeeder 12โ€ฒ โ€“ 2011, W/.125โ€ณ-1.250โ€ณ Diameter Bar


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Capacity: 1.25โ€ณ
Bar Length: 12โ€ฒ
Bar Diameter Capacity: .125โ€ณ โ€“ 1.250:(Swiss Machines or Fixed
Max. Bar Length Capacity: 12โ€™6โ€ณ
Bar Feed Z-axis Retract: 20โ€ณ
Min. Bar Length Capacity: 48โ€ณ
Hydraulic Oil: 21 US Gallons
Bar Reload Time: 43 seconds with Remnant Removal
Max. Remnant Length Removal: 20โ€ณ
Max. Feed Rate: 4,000 IPM
Max. Pushing Torque: 50N/meter
Rack Capacity: 11.6โ€ณ Wide
Shipping Weight: 3,700 Lbs.