Practix 0K-300 Plate Laminator, 2015
Machine Type: Other Process
Make: Practix
Model: Ok-300
Year: 2015
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 022981
**More Info Upon Request**
Motor: 1hp
Max. Belt Speed: 40 FPM
Working Pressure: 25 Lbs.
100-psig Air
Temperature Control Accuracy: 5 F
Max. Fusing Temperature: 450 F
Fusing Width: 100″
In-Feed Conveyor Length: 72″
Out-Feed Conveyor Length : 96″
Working Surface Height: 35″
Electrical Requirements;
Overall Dimensions: 102″ x 130″x 60″
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.