20 Ton LVD Delta 1000 TK CNC Turret Punch, 2000
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Punching Capacity: 22 Tons
Maximum Sheet Size: 49″ x 39″
X Travel: 49″
Y Travel: 39″
X Travel with Sheet Repositioning: 101″
Maximum Sheet Thickness: 1/4″
Punching Speed: 220 SPM with 1″ Moves
Nibbling Speed: 450 SPM
20-Position Thick Turret with (3) Auto Index Positions
Autocon MNC 32000 CNC Control, Conversational, Graphics
& Floppy Disc Port
Main Hydraulic Pump Drive Motor: 9 KVA, 3 Phase, 60 Cycle, 220 Volts
Oil Cooler
Machine Overall Dimensions: 164″ F-B x 108″ L-R x 93″ H
Machine Weight: 27,100 Lbs.