3.5″ 32:1 L/D Egan Extruder, 150HP
Machine Type: Extruders
Make: Egan
Model: 3.5"
Year: 1900
Machine Location: Illinois
Stock #: 753756
3.5″ 32:1 L/D
Egan Extruder
Electrically Heated
Water Cooled (Closed Loop)
Top Vented
Plugged Barrel at an Approximate 52″ Center Line Height.
-Gearbox: Reduction Ratio Of 7:1 Is
-Belt Driven
-150 Hp D/C Motor
-3ยฝ” Diameter Round on Center Feed Throat Entrance Beringer 4.5″
-Model 17 Screen Changer
-Less Hydraulic Cylinder Mounted on the Extruder Discharge
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.