Cincinnati Milacron MO 15C Cinturn Chucker Lathe, 1976 – Vickers Acramatic 2100 CNC Control, Video Available
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Maximum Swing Over Bed: 28.1″
Maximum Turning Diameter: 17.75″
Max Distance Between Centers: 90″
X-Axis: 20.75″
Z-Axis: 87.44″
Rapid Traverse Rate X&Z: 400 IPM
Spindle Bore: 4.56″
Maximum Bar Capacity: 4.1″
Spindle Speed: 16 – 1600 RPM
Spindle Motor: 50 HP
Upper Turret Capacity: 7 Stations
Lower Turret Capacity: 7 Stations
Approximate Dimensions: 288″L x 98″W x 120″H
Approximate Weight: 30,000 LBS
Equipped With:
-Vickers Acramatic 2100 CNC Control
-Plenty of Additional Memory Added on the Updated CNC Control