Studer S145 CNC Grinder, 2000-4 I.D. Spindles, C Axis, Q Axis
Machine Type: Grinders
Make: Studer
Model: S145
Year: 2000
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 554077
Type of CNC Control-Fanuc 16i: TB
Capabilities and Features C-Axis for Form & Thread Grinding / Q-Axis for Swivel of head / 4-Position Internal Grinding Spindles
Workpiece Envelop 19.700″ x 4.700″
Z-Axis Travel: 19.700″
X-Axis Travel: 4.700″
ID Grinding Diameter(s): Max. 11.811″
ID Grinding Depth: 4.700″
Max. Swing over Bed: 13.800″
Center Height : 7″
Number of Programmable Grinding Spindles: 4 ID Spindles
Spindle Speeds: 24,000 RPM to 120,000 RPM
Angle Adjustment on Wheel Head: 0.000 Degrees
OD Grinding Wheel Dimensions-10″ x 1″
Workload 176 Lbs.
Turret-Type Wheelhead With 4 Tool Positions For Internal Grinding Spindles
Q-Axis with a Swivel Range of +/-30 Deg
Frequency-Controlled Internal Grinding Spindles
C-Axis for the Workhead for Form and Thread Grinding
Large Selection of Multi-Range Spindles
Full Enclosure with Sliding Door
Machine Base Made of Granitan
Standardised Interface for Loader and Peripheral Devices
Extensive Range of Chucks and Accessories
Center Height 7&Quot;
Workpiece Weight 176 Lbs.
Number of Grinding Spindles 4
Spindle Speed (Rpm) Up To 120,000
Od Grinding Wheel Dimensions 10 X 1&Quot;
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High-Performance Universal Internal Cylindrical Grinder
Grinder Type: Cylindrical-Id
Machine Operation: CNC
Cnc Brand: Fanuc 16i-Tb
Workpiece Envelope
Id Grinding Diameter(S) Max: 11.811
Id Grinding Depth Max: 4.700&Quot;
Swing Diameter 13.800 Inches
Workload 176 Lbs.
Grinding Wheel and Spindle
Grinding Wheel Dia.: 10.000 Inches Width: 1.000 Inches
Wheel Head 24,000 Rpm Opt: 120,000 Rpm Angle Adjustment: 0.000ยฐ
Axes Specifications
Travel Max Feed Rapid Rate
Longitudinal 19.700 Inches
Cross 4.700 Inches
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.