Taylor Products Fiber Packaging Station, Incline Slat Conveyor, Bag Dump and Meter System, 2014


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Item 1
Net Weigh packaging station that will receive fiber strand from a cleated belt conveyor (or other feeding
mechanism), accumulate by weight the correct amount for one bag weighment, compress and discharge
the product into a bag for closing by operator.
The process includes the operator placing the bag on a bag clamp spout. The bag is held in place by the
bag clamps while the product is metered into the weigh chamber until the correct amount of product has
been dispensed. Then the sidewalls of the chamber close, which opens the bottom of the net weigh
chamber doors, and as the product is compressed by a plunger it is also pushed down into the bag. As the
plunger retracts the bag is released.
Components include:
โ€ข Weigh System will be Taylor T-4000 meter with AB PLC unit mounted in Nema 12 Enclosure
and placed on remote enclosure stand
โ€ข Carbon Steel Square tubing structural framework and carbon steel contact surfaces
โ€ข Wing Press feeder system will receive material from belt conveyor and distributes it with
adjustable fingers controlled by VFD system into Net Weigh chamber
โ€ข Weigh mast design with single load cell for support of the net weigh bucket and compression
โ€ข Powered bag support system with motor, drive and location sensors
โ€ข Net weigh chamber with discharge gate and compression sidewalls
โ€ข Bag spout with clamps to hold the bag in place during fill and compression
โ€ข Bag support tray for support during compression
โ€ข Side guide plates which hold and form bag during compression
โ€ข Compression plunger system
โ€ข AB Micro 1400 PLC control package with interface for in feed conveyor system
Additional Options Added:
โ€ข Dual pressure regulator and valve system which will clamp bags at lower pressure when foot
switch is used and then increase to higher pressure when double palm switches are activated.
โ€ข Increased Compression cylinder size and Increased Wing Press cylinder size due to material
resistance. Hopper and wings will be UHMW lined for friction reductions.
โ€ข Upgrade UHMW material to electrical conductive carbon based UHMW Polyethylene for static
reduction. (Material will be Black in Color due to Carbon injection)

Carbon steel construction with acrylic enamel finish. Requires 115 V AC 60 Hz and 460 V AC 60 Hz
Compressed air must be clean and dry
Operating temperature range of 32F to 110F

Item 2
Open slatted type belt conveyor for transport of loose product from grade ( 48″) to approximate 12′
discharge height Conveyor is approximately 25′ long overall horizontal with a 30 degree incline from
inlet to discharge.
Nominal 28″ wide conveyor body open access while transporting product.
24″ wide belt
3 ” tall cleats on (12″) centers
IHP drive
Controls with VFD
With short inlet Transition
โ€ข 24.00in Wide X 6ft Infeed (at O deg Incline), 30deg Lower Curve, 16.5ft Discharge@ 60fpm
โ€ข Conveyed Material: Load per ft of conveyor:
o 10 lbs Material
โ€ข Conveyed: Chopped Fiber
โ€ข Motor: MTR l .00HP 56C AC 230/4 60/3/ 60
โ€ข Pulley,Infeed End: CROWNED FACE PLAIN, 8.0″ DIA X 1.438″ BORE X 24″W, A HUB
โ€ข Pulley FF, 12.0″ DIA X 3″W 1.69″ BORE Type D HUB
โ€ข Pulley, Drive: CROWNED FACE RUBBER LAGGED, 8.0″ DIA X 1.438″ BORE X 24”W, A
โ€ข Belt, Non-Stock: 24in Wide 4 PLY WHITE CROSS RIGID RMVXBB LACE #20 Alligator Steel
Recess Belt Edges 3in
โ€ข Cleat Height: 3 in
โ€ข Cleat Centers: 12in; Corrugated Sidewalls 3in High; (14in EW)
โ€ข 1.0 Frame: Formed 12g Steel 13in Deep, 28in Wide
โ€ข #4 Heavy Duty Supports (2) Pairs on Horizontal for 48″ TOB
โ€ข (2) Pairs on Incline for Discharge of 148.6″ BOF
โ€ข 249.Sin OAHL
โ€ข Std Infeed, Bolt On Bottom Pan,
โ€ข Vertical Rails: 6 in High;
โ€ข Lower Curve, Bolt On Bottom Pan,
โ€ข Vertical Rails: 6 in High;
โ€ข Drive: End Drive, 45 Deg
โ€ข Top Mt, Right Angle Solid Shaft Gear Reducer,
โ€ข lnfeed Facing, RH Side, Bolt On Bottom Pan,
โ€ข Vertical Rails: 6 in High;
โ€ข Paint, Steel Components: NLE Blue
โ€ข 3 Sided Hopper 18″L x 6″H

Item 3
โ€ข Bag dumping system to accept filled bulk bags from customer supplied lift system into a feeder
magazine that slowly meters the product to the discharge end and uses an agitator to segregate and
dispense loose product into an incline conveyor for transport up to Wing Press packaging station.
โ€ข Unit will have agitator at discharge end of feeder box
โ€ข Cleated belt conveyor bed incorporated at bottom of feeder box
Type 1 V-Belt Guided and Cleated Conveyor
o 4 8.00in Wide X 6ft I Long
o Conveying Speed: l-3FPM
o Conveyed Material: Load per ft of conveyor: 10 1 bs Material
o Conveyed: Chopped Fiber
o Motor: MTR .33HP AC 230/460/3/60 Inverter Duty Motor
o Belt: 48in Wide PVC 120 Cover x FS (Thermo) With# 1 Unibar Lacing with l” Tall Cleats on
6″ Centers – V Guide A section Centered and 1-1/2″ H Corrugated Side Walls
o Frame: Formed V Guided 10 g x 6.625in Deep Steel
o #3 Medium Duty Supports (2) Pairs on Horizontal for 48″ TOB
o Bolt On Bottom Pan Full Length
o Vertical Rails: 6″ High Full Length
o Gearbox drives and with VFD’s drives used to control speed of flow
โ€ข Discharge spout to direct product into incline conveyor.
โ€ข Sensors and PLC controls as required to operate this system including a remote and local control box.
Enclosures are NEMA 12 dust tight.
โ€ข Hopper and contact surfaces will be 304 stainless steel construction.
โ€ข Open design grate will be supplied which will distribute weight above feed belt but not restrict flow. (
testing will determine design and need for grate )
โ€ข Factory assembled ready to operate.
โ€ข Carbon steel construction for structural frame and non-contacts with acrylic enamel finish.
โ€ข Unit will contain controls and sensors for communication with full system.
โ€ข Requires 115 V AC 60 Hz and 460 V AC 60 Hz
โ€ข Compressed air must be clean and dry
โ€ข Operating temperature range of 32F to 11 OF