Coord3 MCT Starlight Gantry CMM, 2019 – Complete Rebuild
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Updated Cmm Complete Rebuild with New Component in 2018.
Renishaw Ucct3 Plus Controller and SPA Mounted in Cabinet
Renishaw MCUW Wireless Jog Box (needs new batteries)
All New Connectors and Bracket Kit
New controller Cabinet Panel Plate for Renishaw Products
PC (win 7 64 bit) Keyboard and Mouse 27″ Monitor
UCC Error Mapped Calibration in UCC Renishaw Suite Software
VDMIS Software
Renishaw UCC Controller Equipped
Minimum Air Supply: 6 Bar
Generous Distance Between Bearings for Optimum Mechanical Rigidity
Main Y Carriage with High Rigidity and Exclusive Tubular Steel Structure
Z Ram in Extruded Aluminum Alloy to Guarantee Rigidity and Minimize Inertia
X Beams with Large Transversal Section in Stabilized Steel, Equipped with A Support System to Allow for Linear Expansion without Risking Distortion
Ground X/Y Axes Guide-Ways in High-Resistance Epoxy Resin (Roughness 0.4 Mm)
Measuring System With High-Resolution Linear Transducers (0.1 ฮm) with “Dual Reader” System on the Longitudinal Xaxis
“Dual Drive” System on Main X Carriage (Optional, Standard for Stroke Y=3000)
Automatic, Multi-Sensor System For Compensating Errors Due to the Thermal Elongation of Structural Elements