
Used Bandsaws For Sale

Please view the regularly updated inventory of used bandsaws below. Our inventory includes a variety of brands, lengths, and capacities. Our brands include but are not limited to: Hyd-Mech, Amada, Behringer, HEM, Marvel and more. If you don’t find the saw you are looking for, we can help you find the equipment that fits your needs. Interested in selling your machinery? Find out how easy it is to sell your used band saws today!

Revelation Machinery offers the following used bandsaws for sale:
Cold Saws | Vertical Saws | Horizontal Saws

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Found Results

x 18"
Year: 1900
x 36"
Year: 1900
x 63"
Year: 1996
Pat Mooney
PMI 20
Year: 2013
x 22"
8-mark III
Year: 2006
x 30"
Year: 2014
bLITZ aLVA 500m
Year: 2010
x 0"
C 370 A-NC
Year: 2007
x 16"
SH 1016
Year: 1900
x 13"
Year: 2017
x 16"
EVS Elite EVTBS-16"
Year: 2023
MGS 245/32
Year: 2020

Every Variety, All in One Place

Saw machines are used throughout the fabrication industry. We have several types of used bandsaws for sale in our inventory: horizontal, vertical, cold, and cut-off saws.

Find The Right Tool For Your Needs

Horizontal Bandsaw:  These machines are used to primarily cut large pieces of metal.  The saws hold the material stationary while the blades move down to make the cut.  Horizontal saws are not meant for cutting complex shapes or curves like vertical saws because they only apply gravity. They can cut various materials, including plastic, titanium, graphite wood, and metal.  An advantage to the horizontal bandsaw is that it uses less power than vertical bandsaws.

Vertical Bandsaw: These saw machines are made to assist in cutting curves or shapes into the material. This bandsaw has the blade mounted vertically, allowing the blade to run perpendicular to the metal being cut. Vertical bandsaws are much more versatile than other types of saws. They can cut into softer metals and even wood. A big advantage to the used vertical bandsaws for sale here is that they require less power and take up less space in the shop.

Cold saws:  These are circular saws that have a toothed blade to transfer the heat it generates to keep the material and blade cool.  These used bandsaws are designed to cut metal without heating the material up. Cold saws use either a tungsten carbide-tipped circular saw blade or an HSS (high-speed steel) circular saw blade. Cold saws have a gear reduction unit and electric motor that can reduce the blade’s speed while maintaining consistent torque during the cutting process. Some advantages of our used cold bandsaws for sale include no dust, more accurate/straight cuts, minimal burr production, and fewer sparks. They are capable of cutting most non-ferrous and ferrous alloys.

Cut-off saws: These also go by the name of abrasive saws or chop saws.  They are a circular saw used to cut hard materials such as metal and concrete.  Cut-off saws use composite friction disk blades to cut through the material. Cut-off saws usually come in various types, such as free-hand, table tops, or walk-behind models.

Looking For Something Specific?

Revelation Machinery can always help you find what you need!  If you have any questions about used bandsaws or need to find a specific brand/type, please feel free to contact us.  If you need to list your used bandsaws for sale, you can do it here!