AireWorks FX15-5000 Dust Collector, 2020


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Machine Type: Woodworking
Make: AireWorks
Model: FX15-5000
Year: 2020
Capacity: ” Ø
Machine Location: Texas
Stock #: 736305

The “FX” series is a self-contained modular designed unit for interior use; it utilizes a dynamically balanced fan, TEFC motors, precision laser-cut components, and offers multiple discharge options

Rated at 5,000 CFM / 8.38 IWG with: 16:1 air-to-cloth ratio

Equipped with (12): 12″ x 8′ high-efficiency filter bags; up with 301 sq/ft. of cloth filter area

Complete with: Direct drive, dynamically balanced, centrifugal fan assembly with: 15 HP TEFC motor; Heavy-duty machined & balanced, non-sparking impeller; 15″ dia. ductwork inlet

Wast collection bin with pneumatic cylinder lift by air switch

All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.