5′ x 10′ DMS 5T6-10-5-36x 5-Axis CNC Router, 2022 – 12 Tool Changer, 24K Spindle, LOW HOURS
Machine Type: Routers
Make: DMS
Model: 5T6-10-5-36x
Year: 2022
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 147696
X-Axis Travels: 120″
Y-Axis Travels: 60″
Z-Axis Travels: 36″
Spindle: 16HP Hiteco Tilt K Plus
Max Spindle RPM: 24,000
Electrical: 460V, 3Phase, 6hz
Equipped With
Fagor 5-Axis CNC Controller
Fagor Hand-Held Pendant Control
HSK 12-Position Auto-Tool Changer
RPM600 Radio Machine Probe
Safety Light Tower
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.