Bradbury Metal R-Stud Rollforming Line, 2015


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Machine Type: Rollformers
Make: Bradbury
Model: R-Stud
Year: 2015
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 687200

Material: Galvanized Steel — G60
Material Strength: 50KSI Yield Maximum / 40KSI Yield Minimum
Thickness: 0.021″ – 0.060″
Entry Coil Weight: 6,500 lbs
Entry Coil I.D.: 19″-21″
Entry Coil O.D.: 60″
Rollformer Speed: Variable to 150 FPM
Press Speed: 40 Strokes per Minute

Throughput (Finished Product): 120 FPM Maximum — Based on press system that includes dies for lancing and forming three features per press stroke — This rate is based on part lengths between 8′ and 20′ — 1′ increments

Length Tolerance: +/- 0.063″
Hole Tolerance: +/- 0.063″
Line Direction: Left to Right
Mode of Operation: Pre-Punch & Pre-Cut
Cut Length: 8′-20′ — 1′ Increments Only

Power Requirements
Drive: 260V, 60 Cycles, 3 Ph
Control: 24V DC
Air: 80 PSI Minimum (clean & dry, by customer)
Hydraulics: 1500 PSI Working Pressure
Estimated Full Load Amps: 350 — Based on line with all options included

Equipment List:
1) Bradbury Model SRDE6.5 Stock Reel
-Double mandrel x 6,500 lbs capacity (per mandrel)
-Hydraulic mandrel expansion
-Drag brake
-Non-powered payoff
-18.5″ to 21.5″ mandrel expansion

2) Bradbury Model RS35-4-12″ Roller Straightener
-Two (2) pinch rolls
-Four (4) work rolls to remove coil set from material
-12″ maximum material width
-Exit cascade and hardened rail material guides

3) Bradbury Model FR5-12 Feed Roll
-Servo driven feed rolls and encoder
-Mounted on press base
-5″ feed roll diameter
-12″ maximum material width
-Independent adjust lead-in w/ mechanical counter

4) Hydraulic Press System with Three Feature Dies (36″ Feeds)
-Two hydraulic presses total
-One 50 ton hydraulic press & dies designed to pre-lance material for forming on 12″ centers
-One 120 ton hydraulic press to apply “H” emboss and form hole flanges on 12″ centers
-Each press includes dies for 3.625″ & 6″ products
(3.625″ punch die, “3.625” form die, 6″ punch die, 6″ form die)
-Dies to be manually changed out when changing products
-Form die clearance designed for 0.060″ material–thinner material will be formed at a lesser angle
-Presses includes die change table–dies can be removed from table w/ forklift or hoist
-Includes slug trays to divert slugs to customer supplied scrap bins
-Hydraulic shear
-Includes size increases in hydraulic power unit

5) Entry Conveyor
-22′ conveyor length
-Powered conveyor

6) 420 STR Rollformer
-10 forming stations
-Pre-heat treated & ground 4142 HT medium carbon, medium alloy steel spindles and sleeves machined for telescopic use
-STR technology for fast part size adjustment
-Cross section width adjustment via jack screws & hydraulic motors
-Exclusive Bardie cartridge technology included
-AC motor, variable frequency drive (VFD mounted in main cabinet)
-Geared for up to 150 FPM
-Cone drive gearboxes w/ single output shaft at each forming station
-Double enveloping worm gear design
-Upper arbor connected to lower arbor via spur gears
-Includes squaring lead-in guide at entry end of rollformer w/ secondary guide for track products
-Pneumatic, spring engaged brake w/ low pressure switch
-Includes job cord on rollformer

All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.