
Ganesh Cyclone-52TTMY Multi Axis CNC Lathe, 2014 – Bar Feeder, Live Tooling, Sub Spindle


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Machine Type: Multi Axis Lathes
Make: Ganesh
Model: Cyclone-52TTMY
Year: 2014
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 906454

Max Turning Diameter : 7.48โ€ณ
Max Turning Length: 15.75โ€ณ
Distance Between Spindle Centers: 36.0โ€ณ

Spindle Nose: A2-5
Spindle Bore: 2.40โ€
Spindle Bar Capacity: 2.0โ€
Chuck Size: 6โ€
Spindle Speed: 6,000 RPM
Spindle Motor Horsepower: 20-HP

Sub Spindle
Spindle Nose: A2-5
Spindle Bore: 2.40โ€
Spindle Bar Capacity: 2.0โ€
Chuck Size: 6โ€
Spindle Center Height: 46.45โ€
Spindle Speed: 6,000 RPM
Spindle Motor Horsepower: 20-HP

Live Tool Turrets (Dual 16-Station Live Tool Turrets)
Number of turret stations: 32
Turret index time: (adjacent tool): 0.2 seconds
Turret index time: (180-degree index): 1.2 seconds

Y-axis travel (Upper Turret only):ยฑ 1.38โ€
Y-axis Rapid Feed Rate: 236 Inch Per Minute

Spindle Radial Resolution: 360,000 radial positions + full contouring capability
Live Tool Speed: 4,000 RPM

B Axis Rapid Traverse Rate: 1,573 Inch Per Minute
B Axis Travel: 25.59โ€

Rapid Traverse Rate โ€“ X-axis 630 IPM
Rapid Traverse Rate โ€“ Z-axis 1,573 IPM

Equipped With:

Mitsubishi M700 CNC Control
Edge Technologies Patriot Bar Feeder
Chip Conveyor
Parts Catcher
Live Tooling
Sub Spindle
Y Axis

All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.