Kapp Niles KNM-2X Gear Grinder, 2023 – Low Hours
Machine Type: Gear Machinery
Make: Kapp Niles
Model: KNM-2X
Year: 2023
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 631453
Maximum Workpiece Diameter: 300mm
Maximum Workpiece Length (Internal/External): 450/450 mm
Counter Support L/D: 480/300 mm
Maximum Workpiece Weight: 80 KG
Kapp Niles Control Equipped
*Designed for high-precision measurements of gears*
-Innovative quick-change clamping system to improve productivity
-Compact design with quick-measuring procedures
-Smart tailstock for optimal loading and expansion of the work area
Additional specs are available upon request!
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.