
PFM 30M Flow Wrapper


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Machine Type: Packaging Equipment
Make: PFM
Model: 30 M
Year: 1900
Machine Location: Idaho
Stock #: 605251

– Automatically produces closed packets with three seals from heat-sealable packaging material
-Fitted with two hand wheels and reference system which allow the size of packaging to be modified instantly, depending on the size of the product
– Suitable packaging materials laminated, bonded or micro-perforated polypropylene; polyethylene; heat shrinkable materials with trimmed seals
– Packaging speed: up to 100 packs a minute
– Time required to change setup: average 3 minutes
– Product dimensions:
Maximum: 350 millimeters long x 220 millimeters x 100 millimeters tall
Minimum: 40 millimeters long x 5 millimeters wide

All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.