Stainless Steel Washdown Accumulation Table, 2024
Machine Type: Packaging Equipment
Make: Stainless Steel
Model: Accumulation Table
Year: 2024
Machine Location: Upon Request
Stock #: 143598
Custom-built for Mills and Fruit Rollups
Per MFG Can handle anything about that size.
Never used.
Built to handle roll shaped snacks 1.25” – 1.75” diameter and approximately 1.5” tall, but could be used for other cylindrical shaped products of similar size.
Rate was based on 350 PPM
Capacity is approximately 3000 products, and provides about 8 minutes of total accumulation at that rate.
20 lanes of individually driven chains that can be filled and emptied one at a time to provide true FIFO accumulation.
The single infeed lane is diverted to each of the 20 accumulation lanes by a servo driven linear actuator that moves away from the infeed conveyor as each lane is filled.
There is a powered shoe on that actuator that assists product in making the turn and maintaining consistent product gaps (guarding of this device is removed on photos and video for clarity).
This is also a zero pressure system, so products will not compress against each other when stored in the lanes.
**More Info Upon Request**
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.