Keyence XM-5000 Handheld CMM, 2023 – Probing, Extra Tips
Machine Type: CMMs
Make: Keyence
Model: XM-5000
Year: 2023
Machine Location: Ohio
Stock #: 319481
Maximum Measurement Length:
2000 mm x 1200 mm x 1000 mm (78.74″ x 47.24″ x 39.37″)
Indication error accuracy: ±(7 + 9L/1000) μm *1 (L = measurement length in mm)
Repeatability: ±3 μm
Minimum display unit: 0.000004″
Equipped With:
-Set of 3 calibration cone tips
-Manet for stylus calibration
-Single Probe
-XM Probe Accessory for Stamping
-(AS9100) Software
All specifications are assumed to be correct but must be confirmed by the purchasing entity.